If you’re missing teeth, you may be familiar with the ways that this dental issue can affect everyday activities like talking, smiling, and eating. Unfortunately, missing teeth can lead to even larger problems, affecting your oral and overall health. If you’re ready to give yourself a complete smile, we have the answer! Dr. Brad Heim and Dr. John Carroll offer custom-made partial, full, and implant dentures to give you the replacement that works best for your smile. Keep reading to learn more about this tooth-replacement solution, including which option is best for you.
Are you interested in getting your full smile back following tooth loss? If so, there’s good news: you’re likely a candidate for dentures! This tried-and-true tooth-replacement solution is ideal for a wide range of patients, including those who don’t have any of their natural teeth left. Plus, even if something initially stands in your way, like gum disease, we can add the necessary restorative care to your treatment plan so a healthy, complete, and gorgeous smile isn’t out of reach.
Dentures have been used for hundreds of years to replace teeth. Thankfully, modern dentures have come a long way since prosthetics were made from wood and animal bones. Dentures today are composed of an acrylic, gum-colored base attached to artificial teeth. Some dentures are removable, while others are fixed and can only be taken out by your dentist in Glastonbury. There are three different types of dentures that we offer, and the prosthetic that we recommend for your smile will depend on the condition of your oral health as well as your specific needs.
Partial dentures are the best denture solution for those who still have some of their natural teeth. Depending on the number of teeth that you’re missing and where you’re missing them, we can use a partial denture that is held in place with clasps or dental implants. This denture fills the gaps in your smile like putting together the missing pieces to a puzzle, which allows you to keep your remaining natural teeth intact. Partial dentures can come in fixed or removable options, but we will recommend the solution that works best for you after examining your mouth.
Full dentures are still the fastest way to receive a complete smile replacement. Our dentures in Glastonbury are custom-made to give you a smile that you’ll be proud to show off. The light and flexible gum-colored base is attached to artificial teeth, and it’s designed to rest on top of your gums, staying in place with natural suction. You can also use mild denture adhesive to secure your full denture for day-to-day use. During the night, you can take them out to give your gum tissue a rest and soak them in a cleaning solution to keep your mouth healthy.
If you want the strongest, most natural looking and feeling denture, this option is for you. An implant denture combines the benefits of dentures and implants to give you a sturdy and beautiful full smile replacement. Dental implants are small titanium posts that are placed in your jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots. Once these are placed, they can be used to support your denture. The result is a strong smile that allows you to chew through all of your favorite foods. Plus, dental implants stimulate your jaw to prevent it from deteriorating after tooth loss.
Dentures continue to be a popular option for replacing missing teeth because:
Dentures are an excellent way to revitalize your smile after tooth loss, but they’re also an investment in your oral health and quality of life. However, it’s not always an easy decision as many patients have concerns about their finances. At our Glastonbury practice, we want our patients to truly understand the costs involved so they make an informed decision about their dental care. So, read more below to explore the financial details of dentures and when you’re ready, give us a call to schedule a consultation.
Several factors can affect the cost of your dentures. This is why a thorough consultation is always the first step. We’ll evaluate your oral health, take X-rays, and discuss your options. Here are some of the ways the cost of your dentures can fluctuate:
While it might be tempting to settle for cheaper dentures, it's important to remember that lower costs often mean lower quality. The cheaper the appliance, the less comfortable it will be and the lower its longevity on average.
Implant dentures generally come with a higher price tag than traditional dentures, but the benefits can more than justify the investment! Implanted dentures are anchored to dental implants that are placed in your jawbone, offering superior stability, a more natural appearance, and the ability to eat a wider variety of foods without worry.
Unlike traditional dentures, implant dentures don’t slip out of place and can last much longer with proper care. They’re also the only tooth replacement option that can preserve your jawbone, preventing it from deteriorating over time. This saves you time and money by reducing the need for frequent replacements and adjustments.
Dentures are typically classified as a major procedure under most dental insurance plans, which means they are likely to be covered at around 50% of the total cost. However, coverage can vary, so it's important to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific benefits. If you need help, our team is highly knowledgeable and more than happy to assist you with navigating your insurance before beginning treatment.
We know that many patients either can’t afford dental insurance or don’t receive it from their workplace. That’s why our team offers CareCredit! This financing option allows you to get the treatment you need now and split the cost into more manageable monthly payments. If you’re concerned about the cost of dentures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us to explore all your available options. Together we can find a smile solution that fits your budget!
Before you get dentures in Glastonbury, you might have some concerns about them. That makes total sense! After all, you likely want to ensure they’d be effective. We here at Heim & Carroll DMD, LLC understand and are eager to help. Therefore, listed below are answers to questions we often get about dentures to give you a better idea of what to expect from treatment.
If your specific denture question isn’t mentioned, don’t worry. Instead, feel free to reach out and speak directly with us at our office! We’d be happy to explain more about the procedure.
While tooth loss can happen at any age, it’s far more common among older patients. Roughly 66% of adults aged 40-64 are missing at least one tooth. Meanwhile, only 33% of those 20-39 years old have lost a pearly white. The former percentage, furthermore, only rises as you pass middle age and enter your later years.
Given these facts, most denture-wearers are seniors. An American Dental Association census even found that 57% of people ages 65 to 74 wear a denture. Still, all ages can potentially qualify for treatment.
In most cases, repairing a damaged tooth is better than getting a replacement.
You see, extraction treatments are often invasive. As such, they’re only recommended for difficult situations — extreme tooth decay, infection, massive loss of enamel, etc. Dentists will always consider alternatives before suggesting a tooth extraction.
Learning to speak with dentures takes time when you first get them. That’s just inevitable, as you’ll have only spoken with your natural teeth before now.
As for how long you’ll need to get used to speaking with dentures, the timing varies from person to person. Often enough, frequent practice leads to faster adjustments. To speed up the process, you could try reading out loud to yourself and repeating difficult-to-pronounce words. Speak slowly at first, as fast speech can come out muffled.
Dentures do need daily cleaning, but you shouldn’t use regular toothpaste on them. It can be abrasive and leave tiny scratches on your false teeth. With time, these marks can leave your prosthetics seriously damaged.
For the same reason, you should also avoid using hard-bristled toothbrushes. Instead, use a soft-bristled one.
The proper cleaning solutions for dentures are hand soap, mild dishwashing liquid, and specialized denture cleaners. Remember to use such products on your appliance after every meal.