By nature, dental emergencies tend to be sudden, scary, and completely unexpected. If you or a loved one is experiencing a severe dental injury or pain, it’s important to stay calm. Time is often of the essence in these situations, so don’t wait – pick up the phone and reach out to our team right away to schedule an emergency appointment! Dr. Brad Heim and Dr. John Carroll will do whatever they can to accommodate your case as soon as possible, and we provide support and guidance over the phone as well before you visit us for emergency dentistry in Glastonbury, CT.
Dental emergencies come in many different forms, but our office is well equipped to handle just about any of them. The last thing you should do is assume your issue will get better on its own. If you notice any of the following problems below, call our office as soon as you can.
When a dental emergency strikes, the last thing you should be worried about is how you’re going to pay the bill. After examining your smile and addressing any pain, we’ll create a personalized treatment plan to provide you with an estimate. We strive to keep our services affordable for everyone, which is why we accept various payment methods to cover the cost of emergency dentistry in Glastonbury.
Dental emergencies can take many forms. As a result, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment. Your estimate is determined by your specific situation. Although every case differs, common treatments for emergency issues include:
Rest assured; you will know exactly what you will have to pay before committing to anything. A member of our team will sit down with you to review your payment options.
Most dental insurances offer coverage for emergency services, like the consultation or imaging. Depending on the treatment required, you can also use your dental benefits to offset the amount you will pay out-of-pocket. Every policy is different, but most plans cover 50% to 80% of the cost of common restorative procedures after meeting your deductible. We will handle all the paperwork to maximize your annual benefits to lower the amount you pay.
Besides using your dental insurance, our office offers various financial solutions to keep your care within your budget, such as:
A dental emergency is stressful enough without having to figure out how you are going to afford the care you need. We will help you find the best options to save your smile without draining your wallet.
You can avoid a costly dental emergency in the future by taking care of your smile. Many dental emergencies result from untreated oral health issues, like tooth decay. You can lessen your risk of a toothache by brushing, flossing, and using a daily mouthwash. Don’t forget to visit your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup, even if you don’t have any current oral health concerns. Research has shown every $1 spent on prevention can save up to $50 on restorative and emergency dental fees.
Besides keeping your mouth clean and healthy, your emergency dentist in Glastonbury will also recommend breaking any bad habits that can lead to oral injuries, like using your teeth to open packages or chewing on your fingernails. It’s important to wear an athletic mouthguard if you play sports or a nightguard if you suffer from bruxism.
With a few changes to your oral hygiene routine and habits at home, you can save yourself from the hassle and expense of a dental emergency down the road.
Although it’s impossible to completely prevent dental emergencies from happening, there are some ways that you can greatly reduce your risk of experiencing one. We recommend the following:
Your biannual visits to our office help protect your teeth and gums from harm in more ways than one. For example, the cleaning portion of your appointment is dedicated to removing plaque and tartar so painful oral health problems like tooth decay and gum disease don’t surface. Furthermore, the exam allows us to catch cavities, loose restorations, and other issues before they progress to the point where they require same-day care.
Between your biannual visits to our office, you need to care for your teeth and gums too. This is important because oral health problems can quickly develop if you don’t consistently brush, floss, and rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash. It’s also important that you use the right oral hygiene products to prevent gum irritation and enamel erosion, which can negatively impact the condition of your teeth and gums as well.
Simply put, what you eat can negatively impact the condition of your teeth and gums in several ways. For example, if you overindulge on foods and drinks with added sugar, then your risk of tooth decay increases dramatically. Similarly, if you aren’t careful when eating crunchy foods, like tortilla chips or popcorn, you could wind up with a chipped, cracked, or fractured tooth. Conversely, adding oatmeal, plain yogurt, fresh fruits, and other smile-friendly foods to your diet can help keep your smile healthy!
When you’re stressed, do you clench your teeth? When you wake up in the morning, does your jaw feel sore? If so, it’s important to schedule an appointment with us instead of seeing if the root of the problem gradually goes away over time. That way, we can provide you with a custom nightguard to protect your teeth from premature wear.
Important note: You should also wear a mouthguard if you participate in sports, even non-contact ones like skateboarding.
Since tobacco products can wreak havoc on your oral health, it’s important to avoid them altogether. It’s also smart to quit other unhealthy dental habits, like biting your nails, chewing on pen caps, and using your teeth to open packaging or rip off price tags. Although it may be difficult at first, it can save you from a painful dental injury, like a cracked tooth.
No one ever expects to need an emergency dentist in Glastonbury; however, it’s not an uncommon situation. When you have a toothache or another issue requiring immediate care, it’s normal to have several questions, but don’t panic. After addressing your pain, we will explain everything to ease any concerns. In the meantime, here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions.
It can be difficult to focus on anything but your discomfort when experiencing dental pain. You don’t have to toss and turn all night if you keep your head elevated. This will prevent your blood from pooling to avoid throbbing pain. It’s best to skip any acidic, cold, or hard foods before going to bed. Take an OTC pain reliever to manage your discomfort. You can apply a cold compress to the outside of your face if you need additional relief.
Enamel is the hardest substance in your body, but it isn’t indestructible. Unfortunately, if it gets damaged, it won’t grow back. Therefore, it’s important to see a dentist for any chips, no matter how minor. Your dentist will restore the integrity and aesthetics of your tooth using an appropriate solution, like dental bonding.
Unfortunately, you can’t fix a broken denture on your own. You’ll need to see a skilled dentist for a replacement if it’s beyond repair. If possible, use an old denture until you can get into the office.
It is unlikely a toothache will go away on its own because there’s an underlying problem causing the pain, like a cavity. However, pain located around the tooth may resolve without any treatment. Although many people believe an occasional toothache is normal, it’s a sign you need to see a dentist right away. While the pain may be bearable now, it can lead to a dental emergency in Glastonbury.
Not all chipped teeth are painful, but that doesn’t mean you should wait to see a dentist. Your tooth will be at risk of additional damage, like decay, fractures, or infections. If the break is minor and you aren’t in any pain, you can wait a day or two for an appointment. Don’t delay your visit for too long, or you might lose your tooth.
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